There are a few recent films that have done their job well in entertaining me like The Hangover or Zombieland. They have this very now, very edgy fast-paced, and never draggy vibe. They actually really surprised me since I thought I have this bias of not liking newly made films as much as older or unpopular ones. But these aren't what I came here to talk about. I came here to talk about one film: The Brothers Bloom.

It is more than just a movie. It is a brain stimulant. It is an overdrive of the imagination. It didn't need animation or fancy computer graphics to portray its overall post-modern feel. The blending of production design and the story and characters is almost chaotic yet at the same time coherent.
And the lighting. The lighting is superb as much as it is surprising. There are times when spot lights are directed toward the camera giving you this very theater feel. And combined with the characters, it truly is like watching a really good and very high-budget play.
The director, Rian Johnson (some of you might be familiar with "Brick"), is someone I would consider to be a visionary. I am just enthralled by his imagination and creativity in this film. He did have 20 million dollars to burn for the film though. But I'd say every penny's worth was really maximized. From trips around europe to a camel escaping a zoo. Very creative spending, I would say.
And if all of this still doesn't convince you to watch it then you might just miss out on getting a chance to see Rachel Weisz's butt. All in all, it is weird and funny. I highly recommend it to those who haven't seen it.
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